Shematria Gematria Calculator

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Words and Calculations with the same Gematria value ...
WordTranslation & MeaningTransliterationStrong's Number
נרגל שראצרMeaning: Nergal-Sharetser, the name of two Babylonians. Usage: Nergal-sharezer.NRGLShRATsR5371
is the Word AbrahadabraFrom: Liber AL vel Legis, Chapter III, 75 (the last line).יס תה וערד אבראהאדאברא0
Ιχθυων + μεγαλων + δικτυον + γην + 153153+Large+Fish+Net+Land. This is from John 21:10-11: 'Jesus told them, 'Bring some of the fish you have just caught.' So Simon Peter went aboard and dragged the net to land. It was full of large fish, one hundred fifty-three. And although there were so many, the net was not torn.'‎IChThUON MEGALON DIKTUON GHN + 1530
ראשון שני שלישי רביעי חמישי שישי שבתThe days of the WeekRAShVN ShNI ShLIShI RBIOI ChMIShI ShIShI ShBTh0
בחאמדרה + בגהזרסה + בואכדשתצקהGate value of left, middle and right columns of the Seven Palaces. See 260, 282 and 235 for columns individually.BChAMDRH + BGHZRSH + BVAKDShThTsQH0
(אליהו x 2) + (רכב אש וסוסי אש / 2) + אליהו בסערה השמיםFrom 2 Kings 2:9-11: 372 is divided by two because it says the chariot and horses were separated between the two of them. 52 is multiplied by 2 because Elisha requests that Elijah gives a double portion of his spirit and Elijah agrees this should happen when he is taken.(ALIHV x 2) + (RKB ASh VSVSI ASh / 2) + ALIHV BSORH HShMIM0
εγω ειμι α χριστοςMeaning: I am a Christ.EGO EIMI A ChRISTOS0
εκ του ξυλου της ζωης + 1Meaning: of the Tree of Life + 1. The 1 is the One overcoming addressed in Revelations 2:7 that is allowed to eat from the tree.EK TOU XULOU THS ZOHS + 10
I am Nuit - 56 + divide + add + multiply + and understandFrom AL I: 24-25: I am Nuit and my word is six and fifty. Divide add multiply and understand.י אם נויט - נו + דיוידה + אדד + מולטיפלי + אנד ונדהרסטאנד0
a secret name Isis bind nothingAL I:22. The letters ISIS are notariqon of: Infinite Space Infinite Stars.א סהחרהט נאמה יסיס בינד נעתינג0
Aiwass + minister + of + HPKFrom AL I:7: Behold! it is revealed by Aiwass the minister of Hoor-paar-kraat.איואסס + מיניסטהר + עף + הפך0
Love of Nu in the star lit heavenFrom the second part of the verse of II,76 : But remember o chose none to be me; to follow the love of Nu in the star-lit heaven; to look forth upon men to tell them this glad word.לעוה עף נו ין תה סטאר ליט ההאוהן0
Beware + Hold + Raise the Spell - Ra Hoor Khuit + hither homewardFrom AL III:2. See also 222 and 555 for this verse.בהוארה + העלד + ראיסה תה ספהלל - רא העער כהויט + היתהר העמהוארד0
Fire Blood Swords Spears - (Conquer Victorious City - abstruction)From Liber Al III:11. 0
χαος ΒΑΒΑΛΩΝ BAFOMITh θελημαMeaning: Chaos Babalon Baphomet Thelema. These names are recited during the Gnostic Creed ~ which is part of the Gnostic Mass of the Ordo Templi Orientis.ChAOS BABALON באפעמית ThELHMA0
Εγω ειμι יהוה אלהים α α α α ΠαντοκρατωρFrom Revelation 1:8: "I am the alpha and the omega, {the beginning and the end} says Lord God, one being, and one was, and one coming, one almighty." The first and last letters of the Hebrew alphabet spell out Ath which means to add, and is probably a clue to use Hebrew for the Holy Name instead of the Greek. This is why I have replaced Κύριος Θεός with YHVH ALHIM. One is referred to 4 times which is why I have added 4 alphas. This is the second instance of John indicating the use of hebrew instead of greek in Revelation. In the previous verse he refers to the eye as a signal to use the letter ayin. See number 310 for that example.EGO EIMI IHVH ALHIM A A A A PANTOKRATOR0
שבט מיהודה ומחקק רגליו שלה יקהת עמיםThis verse is from Genesis 49:10. You first need to divide וּמְחֹקֵ֖ק by 2 as the verse says it is 'between' the feet. Note also that שילה has been corrected to שלה as there should be no letter yod in this word.ShBT MIHVDH VMChQQ RGLIV ShLH IQHTh OMIM0
δουλους + אל יהוה + μετωπωνMeaning 'Servants + God YHVH + Foreheads'. From Revelation 7:3. John uses Hebrew for the names of God instead of Greek.DOULOUS + AL IHVH + METOPON0
stars - night + desert + incense + N + ShFrom Liber AL vel Legis 1:61: 'if under the night stars in the desert thou presently burnest mine incense before me, invoking me with a pure heart, and the Serpent flame therein, thou shalt come a little to lie in my bosom'. The serpent has a fixed value of 50 and represents the letter Nun. The flame has a fixed value of 3 and represents the letter Shin. Substraction is suggested of 'night' from 'stars' by the word 'under'. In the Tanakh 'under' also signifies subtraction whilst 'above' indicates addition.סטארס - ניגהט + דהסהרט + ינחהנסה + ן + ש0
אשת בטח גמלתהו דרשה היתה ותקם זממה חגרה טעמה ידיה כפה לא מרבדים נודע סדין עז פיה צופיה קמו רבות שקר יהוה תנוThese words total 777 with the Genesis Order. They are from Proverbs 31:10–31, which have an alphabetic acrostic. I have taken every first word from each verse, as well as including the name of God יהוה in verse 30. It has 86 characters, and 86 is the sum for Elohim. Proverbs 31 declares itself to be the Words of King Lemuel, and the Oracle taught to him by his mother. No other mention is made of this King in the Tanakh, but Jewish legend identifies him as Solomon, taking this advice from his mother Bathsheba.AShTh BTCh GMLThHV DRShH HIThH VThQM ZMMH ChGRH TOMH IDIH KPH LA MRBDIM NVDO SDIN OZ PIH TsVPIH QMV RBVTh ShQR IHVH ThNV0
ראש אמת ולעולם משפט צדקךFrom Psalms 119:160 Meaning: The beginning truth and forever judgements of your rightousness.RASh AMTh VLOVLM MShPT TsDQK0
To stir me or still me! Aum! let it fill me!From the Book of the Law 3:37 with the Reversal Cipher.טע סטיר מה ער סטילל מה אום להט יט פילל מה0
צצצצ + ואורו + הארץ - השמיםFrom Job 37:3. Subtraction from השמים (The Heavens) is suggested by תַּֽחַת and כַּנְפ֥וֹת usually has the value of 90 for the degrees of a square's corner. Here four corners are suggested because the reference is to the ends or corners of the earth.HShMIM - HARTs + VAVRV + TsTsTsTs0
העיר + שמה + בבל + פני הארץ - יהוהFrom Genesis 11:8-9: Meaning: The City + it's name + Babel + Face of the Earth - YHVH.HOIR + ShMH + BBL + PNI HARTs - IHVH0
εν αρχη λογος λογος αλ αλ λογοςFrom John 1:1. using the Reversal Cipher. Here John replaces the value of the Greek word for God: 'Dios', with the Hebrew One: αλ.EN ARChH LOGOS LOGOS AL AL LOGOS0
בראשית יהוה אלהים נפש רוח נשמהMeaning: In the beginning + YHVH Elohim + Nephesh + Ruach + Neshamah.brashith + ihvh alhim + npsh + rvch + nshmh0
שבט מיהודה + (ומחקק / 2) + רגליו שלה יקהת עמיםFrom Genesis 49:10. This sum solves the question first raised by George Lambda over whether the word שלה or שילה was correct. ShBT MIHVDH + (VMChQQ/2) + RGLIV ShLH IQHTh OMIM0
כרבים זהב צ ב צ הכפרתFrom Exodus 25:18 which says "And you shall make two Cherubim of Gold of hammered work you shall make them, from two ends, the mercy seat." Hebrew: 'ועשית שנים כרבים זהב מקשה תעשה אתם משני קצות הכפרת.' The words 'מקשה' and 'קצות' meaning 'of hammered work' and 'ends' are mnemonic words representing the letter tsade with the value of 90.KRBIM ZHB Ts B Ts HKPRTh0
אדני אדני העלמה העלמה העלמה עמנו אלFrom Isaiah 7:14, meaning: "Adoni + Adoni + the Virgin + the Virgin + the Virgin + Immanual", from the verse: "לכן יתן אדני הוא לכם אות הנה העלמה הרה וילדת בן וקראת שמו עמנו אל". The words הָרָה֙ and וְיֹלֶ֣דֶת are calculating words that indicated a doubling up of the previous word. Cross-reference this verse with Matthew 1:23. ADNI ADNI HOLMH HOLMH HOLMH OMNV AL6005
איק בתמנתה פלשתיםFrom Judges 14:1 with the reversal cipher. The word meaning 'women' has the set value of 111, which is why איק which has the value of 111 has been used in the sum. The other words mean: 'in Timnah of the Philistines'.AIQ BThMNThH PLShThIM0
priest princesFrom the Tunis comment, where Aleister Crowley signs his name as "The priest of the princes."פריהסט פרינחהס0
μυστιρια μυστικα μχιμαThe Mysteria Mystica Maxima is the initiatory arm of the O.T.O. MUSTIRIA MUSTIKA MChIMA0
אלהים + השמים + הארץFrom Genesis 1:1 with the Standard Cipher. ALHIM + HShMIM + HARTs0
שמי ולכבודי בראתיו יצרתיו עשיתיוFrom Isaiah 43:7, meaning: My Name + Aztiluth + Beriah + Yetzirah + Assiah ShMI VLKBVDI BRAThIV ITsRThIV OShIThIV0
אחד ראש: אחדותו ראש ייחודותו: תמורתו אחדMeaning: One is His Beginning; one is His Individuality; His Permutation One! - from the first verse of Liber Ararita by Aleister Crowley who explains that Ararita is a notariqon of it. My thanks go to Tony Fuller who pointed out that these words were taken from the original GD 5=6 Hexagram ritual. He says that there is an A.O. 6=5 commentary which utters the full words in Hebrew, and that Paul Foster Case also uses the fully uttered phrases in his BOTA Hexagram ritual.AChD RASh: AChDVThV RASh IIChVDVThV: ThMVRThV AChD0
ו א א י מ ת ל ו ה ע ו מ ב ה ד א ו א ה ל ל נ ז ו ב ב י אThis is notariqon from Genesis 15:2-3, concerning Abram's lack of a child to his house.V A A I M Th L V H O V M B H D A V A H L L N Z V B B I A0
לאברם ק ז בארץ ק דFrom Genesis 15:13: “And he said to Abraham, Surely know that strangers will be your seed in a land not theirs and serve will they and they will afflict them four hundred years.” The qoph is the set value of "stranger”. The Zayin is the set value of "your seed”, and the Daleth is the value of 4 from “four hundred years”. LABRM Q Z BARTs Q D0

Quick links: 93, 217, 310, 360, 365, 418, 480, 500, 555, 593, 600, 666, 700, 777, 800, 888, 900, 1000, 1100, 1200, 1300, 1400, 1500, 1600, 1900, 2000, 2170, 9000, 50000

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Chariot: An Essay on Bereshit and the Merkabah

Chariot is a comprehensive exploration of the biblical text found in Genesis 1-2, focusing on their linear arrangement and uncovering the intricate mathematics embedded within these chapters. Ashe delves into the deeper meanings and connections within the text, providing insightful analysis and interpretations of Bereshit and the Merkabah, and fresh insight into the origin of the alphabet. This book offers readers a profound perspective on the ancient narratives, bridging the realms of theology and mathematics in a thought-provoking manner.


Takes the first or last letters of each word
to generate a new letter string.

First Letter Last letter
Behold! The Art and Practice of Gematria (German edition)

Seht Her: Die Kunst und Praxis der Gematria

“Ein kabbalistisches Meisterwerk. Für den modernen Kabbalisten (der versucht sein könnte, die biblischen Wurzeln und Anwendungen der Qabalah abzulehnen) ist Seht Her! Die Kunst und Praxis der Gematria der vielleicht wertvollste Beitrag zum Studium der modernen Qabalah seit über einem Jahrhundert.”
Lon Milo DuQuette, Autor von Die Hühner-Qabalah des Rabbi Lamed Ben Clifford 

Gematria Bible

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In the late bronze age¹ and throughout the biblical period, the practice of Gematria was a formal system of mathematics. Gematria had strict rules and conventions that regulated how calculations were composed and read, just as our formal system of math does today.

You may ask how the ancient Hebrew speaking peoples accomplished this with only the alphabet? That's a great question because at that time there was no notation for arithmetic like +, -, ×, ÷ and this happened before the Arabic numbering system (0, 1, 2, 3, 4 etc) was invented².
In those ancient times all the letters of the alphabet represented numbers, and parts of speech were used to separate calculating values from calculating indicators. Nouns were used for their values, and some verbs and prepositions were reserved to indicate types of arithmetic. For example, to bless ברוך indicated a multiplication by 2, while to curse ארור meant to divide by 2. 

See for YHVH has given you the Sabbath upon that he gives you in the day the sixth bread for two days.” Exodus 16:29
Some nouns were restricted from the count, and these were called middot (measures). These were words like: day, week, year, name, word, shekel, and all types of weights and measures. Middot included some unusual words that we wouldn't think of as measures today, such as: sons, and daughters.

Another feature of the formal system was that some nouns had set values by convention, rather than representing the sum of their letters. These were usually words that were related to the pictorial origins and themes of the alphabet. For example, the letter Beth came from the pictogram of a house, and so the word בית meaning house has the set value of 2 like the Beth. Nun came from the pictogram of a snake, and so the word נחש (nachash) meaning snake has the set value of 50 like the letter. עיניים meaning eyes has the set value of 70 like the letter Ayin which came from the pictogram of an eye.

All these features meant that gematria in the Bible was a formal system of math that readers of the time knew how to decipher so that the exact calculations of biblical writers were understood by biblical readers.

In all ancient societies the practice of numeracy is acquired before literacy, often by a significant margin³, and before Hebrew letters were corresponded to phonetic sounds that could be recorded, they were numbers. The numbers of the alphabet were assigned to specific yet broad themes which corresponded to how the ancients perceived the ancient world. These themes were matters that were thought to be in the experience of all human beings like day, night, the sky, birth, death, etc. These were all arranged into a diagram, alternatively called the Seven Palaces or the Merkabah (Chariot), and this was used for correspondences. The Merkabah was made a restricted study by the Sages, so little mention of it was made in the Talmud. This restriction also covered the main ciphers used in the Bible, with the exception of the Standard Cipher (Mispar Hechrechi).

GEMARA: The Gemara poses a question: You said in the first
clause of the mishna: Nor may one expound the Design of the
Divine Chariot by oneself, which indicates that the topic may not
be learned at all, and yet you subsequently said: Unless he is wise
and understands most things on his own, which indicates that an
individual is permitted to study the Design of the Divine Chariot.
The Gemara explains: This is what the mishna is saying: One may
not expound the topic of forbidden sexual relations before three
students, nor the act of Creation before two, nor may one teach the
Divine Chariot to one, unless that student was wise and understands on his own.

- Chagigah 11b:8–9, The William Davidson Talmud.

The ancients would have just called their system of math מנה (manah) which means to count. The word Gematria was borrowed from the Greek word meaning geometry, as in practical terms this meant land measurement and it was probably intended to refer to mathematics.

"The ancient rabbis were well aware of this use of geometry. It is to it that, in Pirkei Avot or “The Ethics of the Fathers,” Rabbi Eliezer Hisma was referring when he said, “Tekufot [calendrical reckoning] and gimatriya’ot [geometrical algebra] are side dishes to wisdom.” Gematria thus came to mean the algebraic solution of mathematical problems, and eventually, simple arithmetic and the calculation of the numerical values of Hebrew words. This is the sense in which it entered Jewish tradition, in which both it and the technique it designates are still widely encountered today." - Philologos (The Forward, 2013)

The Gematria ciphers for the Hebrew Bible were transposed to the Greek alphabet by Jewish converts to Christianity and they were used in the New Testament. Soon afterwards, the New Testament cipher was lost by Christian Churches, to the detriment of general biblical exegesis.

In 1900 the Biblical Ciphers were re-discovered by Aleister Crowley, who transliterated them to our modern alphabet and used them in Liber Al vel Legis and other of his Class A texts. Aleister used his knowledge of the Merkabah and the biblical ciphers as the architecture behind the Qabalah of Thelema.

In 2015 the biblical ciphers were rediscovered by the Noachide and Thelemite cryptographer Bethsheba Ashe, the creator of this calculator, and she spent the years following deciphering the ancient hebrew formal system using scientific method. She has presented the results of several years of biblical decipherment in her guide to the study of gematria throughout the ages: 'Behold! The Art and Practice of Gematria.'

[1.] The oldest example of gematria is in the Mt. Ebal Curse tablet.
ASHE, B. (2023). Behold: The art and practice of gematria. Aeon Books. pg 21-22. 
[2.] The History of Mathematical Symbols:
[3.] Overmann, K. A. (2023). The materiality of numbers: Emergence and elaboration from prehistory to present. Cambridge University Press.

Shematria is a Gematria Calculator for people engaged in the study of Hebrew and Greek Biblical Scripture.

Shematria converts words to numbers. It makes working out formal gematria calculations easier and faster to do. Shematria accepts calculations in Hebrew, Greek, Arabic & Roman scripts. The calculator only carries ciphers that have been proven to have been used in the Tanakh, the New Testament, the Talmud, or the Book of the Law*.

The Genesis Order cipher is generally used in conjunction with alphabetic acrostics in the Bible (see 777 for the gematria of the 'virtuous wife'). The first two chapters of Genesis are keyed to this cipher.

The Biblical Gematria cipher is the most widely employed gematria cipher in the Bible.

The Reversal Cipher applies the Biblical Gematria cipher values to the letters in the reverse order.

The Standard Hebrew cipher is Mispar Hekhreḥi, and it is chiefly used in Talmudic and Kabbalistic texts.

The name 'Shematria' is a contraction of the words 'Shem' and 'Gematria'. in Hebrew the word 'Shem' means 'name'. The word 'Shematria' has the same gematria value as the word 'Gematria'. A common title for God in Judaism is 'HaShem', meaning 'The Name' (of God). This calculator allows you to add + and subtract - as well as do simple division / and multiplication * (with single letters).

The Gematria Calculator will not count any numbers that you enter if they accompany letters. If you enter numbers only, it will check our database for other examples of words and calculations that match that number.

The Shematria database is curated. Please see our guidelines for submission to our database. The Gematria Bible includes the standard gematria of each word, and it can speak the verses in Hebrew or Greek for you to reveal poetic meter, rhyme, and other features of the text.

To learn more about the formal system of Gematria used in the Bible, please see Behold! The Art and Practice of Gematria by Bethsheba Ashe, on Amazon, Lulu or Barnes & Noble. Also by Bethsheba Ashe — To learn more about Aleister Crowley's gematria, please see 'The Hermeneutics of Aleister Crowley', freely available as a PDF (see above for link).

* With the exception of the experimental Arabic cipher.

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